Subthrottle Valve Actuator Resistance Inspection
Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
Disconnect the subthrottle valve actuator connector [A].
Connect a digital meter to the subthrottle valve actuator
connector [A].
Measure the subthrottle valve actuator resistance.
Subthrottle Valve Actuator Resistance
Connections: Y/BK lead [1 ...
Rear Caliper Holder Shaft Wear
The caliper body must slide smoothly on the caliper holder
shafts [A]. If the body does not slide smoothly, one pad will
wear more than the other, pad wear will increase, and constant
drag on the disc will raise brake and brake fluid temperature.
Check to see that the caliper holder shafts ar ...
Cylinder Head Installation
The camshaft cap is machined with the cylinder head,
so if a new cylinder head is installed, use the cap that
is supplied with the new head.
Install the dowel pins.
Replace the cylinder head gasket with a new one.
Replace the cylinder head bolt washers with new ones.
Apply molybden ...