Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Valves

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Valves

Valve Clearance Inspection

Refer to the Valve Clearance Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.

Cylinder Head Warp Inspection
Clean the cylinder head. Lay a straightedge across the lower surface of the cylinder head at several positions. Use a thickness gauge [A] to measure the space between the straightedge [B] a ...

Valve Removal
Remove the cylinder head (see Cylinder Head Removal). Remove the valve lifter and shim. Mark and record the valve lifter and shim locations so they can be installed in their original position ...

Other materials:

Oil Pan Installation
If the oil filter holder bolt [A] was removed, tighten it. Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of the oil filter holder bolt. Torque - Oil Filter Holder Bolt: 35 N·m (3.6 kgf·m, 26 ft·lb) Replace the O-rings [B] with new ones, and apply grease to them. Install the O-ri ...

Intake Air Pressure Sensor #1 Installation
NOTE The intake air pressure sensor #1 is the same part as the intake air pressure sensor #2. Installation is basically the reverse of removal. Position the intake air pressure sensor #1 [A] between the projections [B] on the rubber damper. Install the rubber damper [A] on the bracket ...

Electronic Steering Damper Warning Indicator Light
The yellow light functions as the electronic steering damper warning indicator. The light and warning symbol "ESD" go on if there is a malfunction in the electronic steering damper system. However, this could also be caused by trouble with the charging system (e.g. battery). I ...