Repair the valve seat with the valve seat cutters [A].
Special Tools - Valve Seat Cutter Holder Bar [B]: 57001 -1128
Valve Seat Cutter Holder, 4.5 [C]: 57001 -1330
[For Exhaust Valve Seat]
Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 27.5:
Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 28:
Valve Seat Cutter, 60° - 25:
[For Intake Valve Seat]
Valve Seat Cutter, 45° - 32:
Valve Seat Cutter, 32° - 33:
Valve Seat Cutter, 60° - 33:
If the manufacturer’s instructions are not available, use the following procedure.
Intake Air Pressure Sensor #2 Removal
Never drop the intake air pressure sensor #2 especially
on a hard surface. Such a shock to the sensor
can damage it.
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Intake Air Pressure Sensor #2 Connector [A]
Remove the intake air ...
Oil Level Inspection
If the oil has just been changed, start
the engine and run it for severalminutes
at idle speed. This fills the oil
filter with oil. Stop the engine, then
wait several minutes until the oil settles.
Racing the engine before the oil
reaches every part can cause engine
Rear Caliper Removal
Bolt [A]
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor [B]
Loosen the banjo bolt [C] at the brake hose lower end,
and tighten it loosely.
Loosen the caliper holder pin [D].
Remove the rear wheel (see Rear Wheel Removal in the
Wheels/Tires chapter).
Unscrew the banjo bolt and remove t ...