Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap Inspection
Raise the front/rear wheel off the ground (see Front/Rear
Wheel Removal in the Wheels/Tires chapter).
Measure the air gap between the sensor and sensor rotor
at several points by turning the wheel slowly.
Thickness Gauge [A]
Wheel Rotation Sensor Air Gap
Front 0.4 1.6 mm ...
Warning/Indicator Lights
: When the
transmission is in
neutral, the neutral indicator light goes
: When the
headlight is on high
beam, the high beam indicator light
goes on.
: When the
turn signal switch is
pushed to the left or right, the turn signal
indicator light blinks. ...
Hub Bearing Inspection
Since the hub bearings are made to extremely close tolerances,
the clearance can not normally be measured.
Do not remove any bearings for inspection. If any bearings
are removed, they will need to be replaced with
new ones.
Turn each bearing in the hub back and forth [A] while
checki ...