Air Intake Duct Assembly (Other than US, CA and CAL Models)
Install the seals [A] as shown in the figure.
Fit the projections [A] of the air intake valve to the hole [B]
of the air intake ducts.
Torque - Air Intake Duct Assembly Screws: 1.5 N·m (0.15
kgf·m, 13 in·lb)
Hang the shaft [A] to the air intake valve securely ...
Cylinder (Upper Crankcase) Wear Inspection
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Remove the pistons (see Piston Removal).
Assemble the cylinder (upper crankcase) [A], the cylinder
head [B] and the cylinder head gasket [C].
Tighten the cylinder head bolts (see Cylinder Head Installation
in the Engine Top End chapter).
Valve Guide Removal
Valve (see Valve Removal)
Oil Seal
Spring Seat
Heat the area around the valve guide to 120
150°C (248
302°F), and hammer lightly on
the valve guide arbor [A]
to remove the guide from the top of the head.
Do not heat the cylinder head with a torch. This ...