Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Premuffler Chamber Removal

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Muffler / Premuffler Chamber Removal

Premuffler Chamber Removal

Muffler Body Installation
Replace the muffler body gasket [A] with a new one. Install the muffler body gasket to the premuffler chamber [B] until it is bottomed so that the chamfer side faces premuffler chamber. Ins ...

Premuffler Chamber Installation
Replace the premuffler chamber gasket [A] with a new one. Install the premuffler chamber gasket to the premuffler chamber [B] until it is bottomed so that the chamfer side faces exhaust pip ...

Other materials:

Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)
Inspect the canister as follows. Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter). Remove the canister [A]. Visually inspect the canister for cracks or other damage. If the canister has any cracks or bad damage, replace it with a new one. NO ...

Air Intake Duct Removal
Remove: Upper Fairing Assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter) Meter Bracket (see Meter Unit Removal/Installation in the Electrical System chapter) Immobilizer Amplifier [A] (Equipped Models) (see Immobilizer System Parts Replacement in the Electrical System ...

Balance Inspection
Remove the front and rear wheels (see Front/Rear Wheel Removal). Support the wheel so that it can be spun freely. Spin the wheel lightly, and mark [A] the wheel at the top when the wheel stops. Repeat this procedure several times. If the wheel stops of its own accord in various positi ...