About 90° [B]
ESD (Electronic Steering Damper) ECU Removal (ZX1000JD/KD)
Never drop the ECU especially on a hard surface.
Such a shock to the ECU can damage it.
Lift up the front portion of the fuel tank, and hold it with a
suitable bar or block (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel
System (DFI) chapter).
When removing the ESD ECU only, there ...
Battery Installation
Place the battery in the battery case.
Connect the (+) cable to the (+) terminal,
and then connect the (–) cable
to the (–) terminal.
Installing the (–) cable to the (+)
terminal of the battery or the (+)
cable to the (–) terminal of the
battery can seriously damaged
Cylinder (Upper Crankcase) Wear Inspection
Split the crankcase (see Crankcase Splitting).
Remove the pistons (see Piston Removal).
Assemble the cylinder (upper crankcase) [A], the cylinder
head [B] and the cylinder head gasket [C].
Tighten the cylinder head bolts (see Cylinder Head Installation
in the Engine Top End chapter).