If the axle is damaged or bent, replace it.
If axle runout exceeds the service limit, replace the axle.
Axle Runout/100 mm (3.94 in.) Standard: TIR 0.03 mm (0.0012 in.) or less
Service Limit: TIR 0.2 mm (0.008 in.)
Exploded View
5. Other than US, CA, and CAL Models
6. The big diameter side of the dampers faces upward.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
SS: Apply silicone sealant.
11. Immobilizer Ampli ...
Self-Diagnosis Outline
The self-diagnosis system is monitoring the following
DFI System and Ignition System
S-KTRC System
Immobilizer System (Equipped Models)
KIBS and ABS (Equipped Models)
ESD (Electronic Steering Damper) System
The following warning indicator lights (LED) are used for ...
Starter Clutch Removal
Torque Limiter (see Torque Limiter Removal)
Transmission Assy (see Transmission Assy Removal)
Starter Clutch Shaft Holder Bolt [A]
Starter Clutch Shaft Bolt [B]
Starter Clutch Shaft Holder [C]
Remove the starter clutch shaft [A] using a suitable M8
bolt [B].
Take ...