Repeat this procedure several times. If the wheel stops of its own accord in various positions, it is well balanced.
If the wheel always stops in one position, adjust the wheel balance (see Balance Adjustment).
Exploded View
5. Other than US, CA, and CAL Models
6. The big diameter side of the dampers faces upward.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
R: Replacement Parts
S: Follow the specified tightening sequence.
SS: Apply silicone sealant.
11. Immobilizer Ampli ...
Stick Coil Inspection
Remove the stick coils (see Stick Coil Removal).
Measure the primary winding resistance [A] as follows.
Connect the hand tester between the coil terminals.
Set the tester to the × 1 Ω range, and read the tester.
Measure the secondary winding resistance [B] as follows.
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Caliper Installation
Install the caliper and brake hose lower end.
For the front caliper, be sure to install the collars [A].
Replace the washers on each side of hose fitting with new
Touch the brake hoses [A] to the stopper [B] of the caliper.
Front Calipers [C]
Rear Caliper [D]
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