Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Seat Cutter Operation Care

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Valves / Valve Seat Repair / Seat Cutter Operation Care

1. This valve seat cutter is developed to grind the valve for repair. Therefore the cutter must not be used for other purposes than seat repair.

2. Do not drop or shock the valve seat cutter, or the diamond particles may fall off.

3. Do not fail to apply engine oil to the valve seat cutter before grinding the seat surface. Also wash off ground particles sticking to the cutter with washing oil.


Do not use a wire brush to remove the metal particles from the cutter. It will take off the diamond particles.

4. Setting the valve seat cutter holder in position, operate the cutter in one hand. Do not apply too much force to the diamond portion.


Prior to grinding, apply engine oil to the cutter and during the operation, wash off any ground particles sticking to the cutter with washing oil

5. After use, wash it with washing oil and apply thin layer of engine oil before storing.

Marks Stamped on the Cutter

The marks stamped on the back of the cutter [A] represent the following.

60° ........................... Cutter angle [B]

37.5 .......................
Outer diameter of cutter [C]

Marks Stamped on the Cutter

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Operating Procedures
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