The battery is different in the model equipped with KIBS and the model without KIBS. The (+) terminal and (–) terminal are right and left reversed.
A. For models equipped with KIBS
B. (+) Terminal
C. (–) Terminal
D. Rubber Band
A. For models without KIBS
B. (+) Terminal
C. (–) Terminal
D. Rubber Band
Brake Disc Warp Inspection
Raise the wheel off the ground with the jack.
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238
Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
For front disc inspection, turn the handlebar fully to one
Set up a dial gauge against the disc [A] as shown in
the figure and measure disc runout, while turning [B] the
Regulator/Rectifier Inspection
Upper Fairing Assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly
Removal in the Frame chapter)
Right Inner Fairing (see Inner Fairing Removal in the
Frame chapter)
Bolts [A]
Regulator/Rectifier [B]
Set the hand tester to the × 1 kΩ range and make the
measurements show ...
Mud Guard Installation
Installation is the reverse of removal. Note the following.
Run the hose and lead correctly (see Cable, Wire, and
Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter).
Check the brake line.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of
the mud guard mounting bolts [A, B], and tighten them ...