Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Special Tools and Sealant

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Special Tools and Sealant

Hand Tester: 57001-1394

Flywheel Puller Assembly, M38 × 1.5/M35 × 1.5: 57001-1405

Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415

Lead Wire - Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1449

Key Registration Unit: 57001-1582

Grip: 57001-1591

Flywheel & Pulley Holder: 57001-1605

Rotor Holder: 57001-1666

Rotor Holder Attachment: 57001-1689

Key Registration Adapter: 57001-1746

Liquid Gasket, TB1211F: 92104-0004

Exploded View
5. Other than US, CA, and CAL Models 6. The big diameter side of the dampers faces upward. G: Apply grease. L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent. R: Replacement Parts S: Fol ...

Parts Location
1. Timing Rotor 2. Crankshaft Sensor 3. Horn 4. Oil Pressure Switch 5. Rear Brake Light Switch 6. Oxygen Sensor (Equipped Models) 7. Alternator 8. Stator Coil 9. Gear Position Switch ...

Other materials:

Electrical Leads
A two-color lead is identified first by the primary color and then the stripe color. Unless instructed otherwise, electrical leads must be connected to those of the same color. Instrument Use a meter that has enough accuracy for an accurate measurement. Read the manufacture’s instructions ...

Vehicle-down Sensor Input Voltage Inspection
NOTE Be sure the battery is fully charged. Turn the ignition switch to OFF. Disconnect the vehicle-down sensor connector and connect the measuring adapter [A] between these connectors as shown in the figure. Main Harness [B] Vehicle-down Sensor [C] Special Tool - Measuring Adapte ...

Radiator and Radiator Fan Installation
If the radiator bracket [A] was removed, install it. Install the radiator fan to the radiator Tighten the radiator fan mounting bolts. When installing the pad [B], install it so that the upper end of the pad aligns with the corner top [C]. When install the pad [D], install it so that the ...