Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Valve Clearance Adjustment

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Periodic Maintenance / Periodic Maintenance Procedures / Engine Top End / Valve Clearance Adjustment

Valve Clearance Adjustment


Mark and record the locations of the valve lifters and shims so that they can be reinstalled in their original positions.

Valve Clearance Adjustment

a + b – c = d

[a] Present Shim Thickness

[b] Measured Valve Clearance

[c] Specified Valve Clearance (Mean Value = 0.195 mm (Exhaust), 0.185 mm (Intake))

[d] Replace Shim Thickness

Example (Exhaust): 1.600 + 0.28 – 0.195 = 1.685 mm

Exchange the shim for the 1.675 size shim.

Adjustment Shims

Adjustment Shims

Adjustment Shims


Be sure to remeasure the clearance after selecting a shim. The clearance can be out of the specified range because of the shim tolerance.

If there is no valve clearance, use a shim that is a few sizes smaller, and remeasure the valve clearance.


Do not put shim stock under the shim. This may cause the shim to pop out at high rpm, causing extensive engine damage.

Do not grind the shim. Thismay cause it to fracture, causing extensive engine damage.

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