Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Engine Top End

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Periodic Maintenance / Periodic Maintenance Procedures / Engine Top End

Radiator Hose and Pipe Inspection (coolant leak, damage, installation condition)
The high pressure inside the radiator hose can cause coolant to leak [A] or the hose to burst if the line is not properly maintained. Visually inspect the hoses for signs of deterioration. S ...

Valve Clearance Inspection
NOTE Valve clearance must be checked and adjusted when the engine is cold (at room temperature). Remove: Crankshaft Sensor Cover (see Crankshaft Sensor Removal in the Electrical System chapt ...

Other materials:

Battery Maintenance
It is the owner’s responsibility to keep the battery fully charged. Failure to do so can lead to battery failure and leave you stranded. If you are riding your vehicle infrequently, inspect the battery voltage weekly using a voltmeter. If it drops below 12.8 volts, the battery should be ...

Special Tools and Sealant
Oil Pressure Gauge, 5 kgf/cm²: 57001-125 Hand Tester: 57001-1394 Needle Adapter Set: 57001-1457 Extension Tube: 57001-1578 Fuel Pressure Gauge Adapter: 57001-1593 Fuel Hose: 57001-1607 Measuring Adapter: 57001-1700 Liquid Gasket, TB1211: 56019-120 ...

Race Mode Display
This mode gives priority to reading the gear position rather than the speedometer reading. The gear position indicator can be displayed at the position of the speedometer on the normal mode. Also the speedometer is displayed instead of the clock on the normal mode. This mode can be used ...