Holding the timing rotor with the flywheel & pulley holder [B] and unscrew the bolt [C].
Special Tool - Flywheel & Pulley Holder: 57001-1605
The tachometer shows the engine
speed in revolutions per minute (r/min,
On the right side of the tachometer
face is a portion called the “red zone”.
Engine r/min (rpm) in the red zone is
above maximum recommended engine
speed and is also above the range for
good performance.
Wiring Diagram (US, CA and CAL with KIBS Models)
Front Forks/Rear Shock Absorber Operation Inspection
Pump the forks down and up [A] 4 or 5 times, and inspect
the smooth stroke.
If the forks do not smoothly or noise is found, inspect the
fork oil level or fork clamps (see Front Fork Oil Change in
the Suspension chapter).
Pump the rear seat down and up [A] 4 or 5 times, and
inspec ...