Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Ignition System / Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection


Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Inspection

Special Tools - Hand Tester: 57001-1394 Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415 Type: KEK-54-9-B

Connections: Crankshaft Sensor Lead Connector Peak Voltage Adapter Hand Tester Y lead ← R lead → (+) BK lead ← BK lead → (–)

Crankshaft Sensor Peak Voltage Standard: 1.9 V or more

If the reading is less than the standard, inspect the crankshaft sensor (see Crankshaft Sensor Inspection).

Crankshaft Sensor Inspection
Disconnect the crankshaft sensor lead connector (see Crankshaft Sensor Removal). Set the hand tester [A] to the × 10 Ω range and connect it to the crankshaft sensor lead connector ...

Timing Rotor Removal
Remove the crankshaft sensor cover (see Crankshaft Sensor Removal). Remove the timing rotor [A]. Holding the timing rotor with the flywheel & pulley holder [B] and unscrew the bolt [C]. ...

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