Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Rear Caliper Holder Shaft Wear

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Brakes / Calipers / Rear Caliper Holder Shaft Wear

The caliper body must slide smoothly on the caliper holder shafts [A]. If the body does not slide smoothly, one pad will wear more than the other, pad wear will increase, and constant drag on the disc will raise brake and brake fluid temperature.

If the rubber friction boot is damaged, replace the rubber friction boot. To replace the friction boot, remove the pads and the caliper bracket.

If the caliper holder shaft is damage, replace the caliper bracket.

Rear Caliper Holder Shaft Wear

Caliper Piston and Cylinder Damage
Visually inspect the pistons [A] and cylinder surfaces [B]. Replace the caliper if the cylinder and piston are badly scores or rusty. Front Caliper [C] Rear Caliper [D] ...

Brake Pads

Other materials:

Upper Crankcase Assembly
When installing the breather plate, replace the gasket [A] with a new one. Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the threads of the bolts [A] and tighten them. Torque - Breather Plate Bolts: 9.8 N·m (1.0 kgf·m, 87 in·lb) Install the fitting [A] until it is bottomed ...

S-KTRC Mode Indicator
This indicator shows the selected S-KTRC mode. For more detailed information about the S-KTRC mode, see Sport-Kawasaki TRaction Control (S-KTRC) section in the How to Ride the Motorcycle chapter A. S-KTRC Mode Indicator NOTE When the all S-KTRC mode indicators go off, the battery voltag ...

Starter Motor Disassembly
Remove the starter motor (see Starter Motor Removal). Take off the starter motor through bolts [A] and remove the both end covers [B]. Pull out the armature [A] out of the yoke [B]. NOTE Do not remove the circlip [C] from the shaft. Remove the starter motor terminal lock ...