The caliper body must slide smoothly on the caliper holder shafts [A]. If the body does not slide smoothly, one pad will wear more than the other, pad wear will increase, and constant drag on the disc will raise brake and brake fluid temperature.
If the rubber friction boot is damaged, replace the rubber friction boot. To replace the friction boot, remove the pads and the caliper bracket.
If the caliper holder shaft is damage, replace the caliper bracket.
Ignition Switch Replacement
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner Housing Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter)
Disconnect the lead connectors [A].
Steering Stem Head (see Stem, Stem Bearing Removal
in the Steering chapter)
Using a small chisel or punch [A], turn out the Torx bolts.
Troubleshooting Guide
Refer to the Fuel System chapter for most
of DFI trouble shooting guide.
This is not an exhaustive list, giving every
possible cause for each problem listed. It
is meant simply as a rough guide to assist
the troubleshooting for some of the more
common difficulties.
Engine Doe ...
Headlight Aiming Adjustment
Do not turn the bolts [A] because the reflector in the
headlight comes off.
(In the photo, the headlight unit has been removed for
The left adjuster [A] and right adjuster [B] can move the
direction of the headlight beam to up, down, left and
right by turning each a ...