Steering Stem Warp Inspection
Whenever the steering stem is removed, or if the steering
can not be adjusted for smooth action, check the steering
stem for straightness.
If the steering stem [A] is bent, replace the steering stem.
Stem Cap Deterioration, Damage Inspection
Replace the stem cap if its oil seal [A] s ...
Valve Guide Removal
Valve (see Valve Removal)
Oil Seal
Spring Seat
Heat the area around the valve guide to 120
150°C (248
302°F), and hammer lightly on
the valve guide arbor [A]
to remove the guide from the top of the head.
Do not heat the cylinder head with a torch. This ...
Coolant Flow Chart
1. Radiator
2. Radiator Fan
3. Water Pump
4. Oil Cooler
5. Oil Cooler Intake Hose
6. Oil Cooler Outlet Hose
7. Cylinder Jacket
8. Cylinder Head Jacket
9. Thermostat Housing
10. Air Bleeder Hose
11. Radiator Cap
12. Radiator Overflow Hose
13. Reserve Tank
14. Reserve Tank Overflow Ho ...