Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Meter System Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Meter, Gauge, Indicator Unit / Meter System Inspection

Meter Operation Inspection
Check 1-1: Switching Inspection Turn the ignition switch to ON and check the following. The all LCD segments [A] appear for 3 seconds. The warning indicator light (Red LED) [B] goes on for 3 ...

Check 2-1: Speedometer Inspection
Using the suitable stand, raise the rear wheel off the ground. Rotate the rear wheel by hand or start the engine. Check that the display changes speedometer. If the display function does n ...

Other materials:

Lower Crankcase Assembly
Install the ball bearing [A] and the oil level inspection window [B] until they are bottomed Apply soap and water solution to the oil level inspection window before installation. Install the new circlip [C]. Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the oil passage plug [D]. Tighten: ...

Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator Input Voltage Inspection
NOTE Be sure the battery is fully charged. Turn the ignition switch to OFF. Disconnect the idle speed control valve actuator connector and connect a suitable measuring leads [A] between these connectors as shown in the figure. Main Harness [B] Idle Speed Control Valve Actua ...

Shift Pedal Installation
Install the rubber damper to the shift pedal. Turn the chamfered side to inside. Assemble: Shift Lever [A] and Locknut [B] (Left-hand Thread) Shift Pedal [C] and Locknut [D] Tie-Rod [E] Turn the grooved end [F] of the tie-rod to the shift lever. Apply grease to the sliding ...