Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Brakes / Master Cylinder / Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)

If a master cylinder or piston shows any damage, replace them.

Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)

If a cup is worn, damaged softened (rotted), or swollen, the piston assembly should be replaced to renew the cups.

If fluid leakage is noted at the brake lever, the piston assembly should be replaced to renew the cups.

If they are damaged, replace them.

If the springs are damaged, replace them.

If the relief port becomes plugged, the brake pads will drag on the disc. Blow the ports clean with compressed air.

Front Master Cylinder [I] Rear Master Cylinder [J]

Master Cylinder Inspection (Visual Inspection)

Rear Master Cylinder Installation
Replace the washers that are on each side of hose fitting with new ones. Install the brake hose [A]. Touch the brake hose to the stopper [B] of the rear master cylinder. Tighten: Torq ...

Brake Disc

Other materials:

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