Touch the brake hose to the stopper [B] of the rear master cylinder.
Front Master Cylinder Disassembly
Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly
Master Cylinder Assembly
Engine Oil Change
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical after warming
up the engine.
Remove the engine oil drain bolt [A] to drain the oil.
The oil in the oil filter can be drained by removing the filter
(see Oil Filter Replacement).
Replace the drain bolt gasket [B] with a new one.
Tighten t ...
Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance Inspection
Measure connecting rod big end side clearance.
Insert a thickness gauge [A] between the big end and either
crank web to determine clearance.
Connecting Rod Big End Side Clearance
Standard: 0.13 0.38 mm
(0.0051 0.0150 in.)
Service Limit: 0.58 mm (0.023 in.)
If the clearance exceeds ...
Tie-Rod Removal
Squeeze the brake lever slowly and hold it with a band
Remove the front footpeg bracket bolts [A].
Raise the rear wheel off the ground with the jack (see
Rear Shock Absorber Removal).
Special Tools - Jack: 57001-1238
Jack Attachment: 57001-1608
Upper ...