Touch the brake hose to the stopper [B] of the rear master cylinder.
Front Master Cylinder Disassembly
Rear Master Cylinder Disassembly
Master Cylinder Assembly
Drive Chain Slack Adjustment
Remove the cotter pin [A], and loosen the rear axle nut
Loosen the both chain adjuster locknuts [C].
If the chain is too loose, turn out the left and right chain
adjusters [D] evenly.
If the chain is too tight, turn in the left and right chain
adjusters evenly, and kick the wheel f ...
Rear Brake Pad Installation
Check that the pad spring is in place on the caliper.
Push the caliper piston in as far as it will go.
Install the piston side pad [A] first, and then another pad.
Fit the brake pad end into the recess [B] of the caliper
Install the pad pin and the plug.
Torque - ...
Alternator Cover Installation
Using a high flash-point solvent, clean off any oil or dirt
that may be on the silicone sealant coating area. Dry
them with a clean cloth.
Apply silicone sealant to the alternator lead grommet and
crankcase halves mating surface [A] on the front and rear
sides of the cover mount.
Sea ...