1st Check
Condition: Transmission Gear → 1st Position
Clutch Lever → Release
Sidestand → Down or Up
If the engine is start, inspect the starter lockout switch, gear position switch and relay box.
2nd Check
Condition: Transmission Gear → 1st Position
Clutch Lever → Pulled in
Sidestand → Up
Turn the ignition switch to ON and push the starter button.
Then the starter motor should turn when the starter system circuit is normality.
If the starter motor is not turn, inspect the starter lockout switch, sidestand switch, relay box and starter relay.
3rd Check
Condition: Transmission Gear → 1st Position
Clutch Lever → Release
Sidestand → Up
If the engine may not be stopped, inspect the gear position switch, sidestand switch and relay box.
If their parts are normality, replace the ECU.
Check 3-3: High Beam Indicator Light (LED) Inspection
Connect the leads in the same circuit as Check 3-2.
Connect the terminal [7] to the battery (+) terminal.
Check that the high beam indicator light (LED) [A] goes
If the indicator light does not go on, replace the meter unit.
KIBS Hydraulic Unit Installation
Brake fluid quickly ruins painted plastic surfaces;
any spilled fluid should be completely washed away
Install the KIBS hydraulic unit together with the bracket.
Before installing the brake pipe, check to see that there is
no damage on the threads of the brake pipe joi ...
Fluid Level Inspection
With the brake fluid reservoirs held
horizontal, the brake fluid level must
be kept between the upper and lower
level lines.
A. Front Brake Fluid Reservoir
B. Upper Level Line
C. Lower Level Line
A. Rear Brake Fluid Reservoir
B. Upper Level Line
C. Lower Level Line
If th ...