Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: IC Igniter Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Ignition System / IC Igniter Inspection

The IC igniter is built in the ECU [A].

IC Igniter Inspection

Ignition System

Ignition System Circuit

Ignition System Circuit

1. Ignition Switch

2. Engine Stop Switch

3. Stick Coils

4. Spark Plugs

5. Crankshaft Sensor

6. Primary Fuel Injectors

7. Secondary Fuel Injectors

8. Gear Position Switch

9. Sidestand Switch

10. Joint Connector E

11. ECU

12. Battery

13. Main Fuse 30 A

14. ECU Fuse 15 A

15. Frame Grounds

16. Fuel Pump

17. Fuel Pump Relay

18. Relay Box

19. Starter Lockout Switch

20. Ignition Fuse 15 A

21. Fuse Box 1

22. Joint Connector F

23. Vehicle-down Sensor

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