The fuel pump relay is built in the relay box [A].
Engine Vacuum Synchronization Inspection
These procedures are explained on the assumption that
the intake and exhaust systems of the engine are in
good condition.
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical.
Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter)
Air Cleaner Housing (see Air Cleaner ...
KIBS Hydraulic Unit Installation
Brake fluid quickly ruins painted plastic surfaces;
any spilled fluid should be completely washed away
Install the KIBS hydraulic unit together with the bracket.
Before installing the brake pipe, check to see that there is
no damage on the threads of the brake pipe joi ...
Catalytic Converter
This motorcycle is equipped with a
catalytic converter in the exhaust system.
The converter reacts with carbonmonoxide,
hydrocarbons and nitrogen
oxides to convert them into carbon
dioxide, water, nitrogen and oxygen resulting
in much cleaner exhaust gases
to be discharged into the atmosphe ...