Use the micrometer to measure at several points around the ring.
Piston Ring Thickness Standard:
Top [A] 0.77 0.79 mm (0.0303
0.0311 in.)
Second [B] 0.78 0.79 mm
(0.0307 0.0311 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.70 mm (0.0276 in.)
Second 0.71 mm (0.0280 in.)
If any of the measurements is less than the service limit on either of the rings, replace all the rings.
When using new rings in a used piston, check for uneven groove wear. The rings should fit perfectly parallel to the groove sides. If not, replace the piston.
Starter Clutch Installation
Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one and apply grease.
Apply molybdenum disulfide grease to the starter clutch
shaft [B].
Starter Clutch [C]
Spacer (Small Diameter) [D]
Spacer (Large Diameter) [E]
Starter Clutch Shaft
Starter Clutch Shaft Holder [F]
Turn the O-ring si ...
Air Cleaner
A clogged air cleaner restricts the engine’s
air intake, increasing fuel consumption,
reducing engine power, and
causing spark plug fouling.
This motorcycle’s air cleaner element
consists of a wet paper filter, which cannot
be cleaned.
The air cleaner element must be replaced
in acco ...
Engine Oil Change
Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical after warming
up the engine.
Remove the engine oil drain bolt [A] to drain the oil.
The oil in the oil filter can be drained by removing the filter
(see Oil Filter Replacement).
Replace the drain bolt gasket [B] with a new one.
Tighten t ...