Main Harness [B] Secondary Fuel Injector #1 [C]
Special Tool - Measuring Adapter: 57001-1700
Secondary Fuel Injector Power Source Voltage Connections to Adapter:
For Secondary Fuel Injector #1, #2, #3, #4
Digital Meter (+) → R (injector W/R) lead
Digital Meter (–) → Battery (–) terminal
Power Source Voltage Standard: Battery Voltage for 3 seconds, and then 0 V
If the reading stays on battery voltage and never shows 0 V, check the fuel pump relay (see Relay Circuit Inspection in the Electrical System chapter).
If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU (see ECU Removal/Installation).
If there is still no battery voltage, check the fuel pump relay (see Relay Circuit Inspection in the Electrical System chapter).
If the fuel pump relay is normal, check the power source wiring (see wiring diagram in this section).
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU (see ECU Removal/Installation).
If the reading is in specification, check the output voltage (see Fuel Injector Output Voltage Inspection).
Exhaust System Identification
Exhaust Pipe Mark Position [A]
Premuffler Chamber Mark Position [A]
Muffler Body Mark Position [A]
Premuffler Chamber [A] with Hole [B] for Oxygen Sensor [C]
Honeycomb Type Catalyst Position [A]
Oil Pump Drive Gear Installation
Install is the reverse of removal. Note the following.
First, engage the oil pump chain [A] to the gears, and then
install the oil pump drive gear [B].
Turn the “OUT” mark [C] to outside.
Apply a non-permanent locking agent to the oil pump drive
chain guide bolt and the oil pump drive ...
Fuel Consumption
This display mode shows the fuel
consumption in Liter or Gallon by numerical
value counted from the start of
measuring to present time.
A. Fuel Consumption
B. “L”
While the fuel consumption is displayed,
push the lower button and
hold it in until the fuel consumption
values re ...