Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Resistance
Connections: P lead ←→ GY lead
Standard: 5 200 Ω (for reference)
If the reading is 0 or infinity (∞) Ω, replace the exhaust butterfly valve actuator.
If the reading is in specification, remove the ECU and check the wiring for continuity between main harness connectors.
Disconnect the ECU and actuator connectors.
Wiring Inspection ECU Connector [A] ←→ Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Connector [B] W/R lead (ECU terminal 45) [C] W/BL lead (ECU terminal 46) [D]
If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
If the ground and power supply are good, replace the ECU (see ECU Removal/Installation in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Circuit
1. ECU
2. Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator
Piston Installation
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piston ring groove so the ends [B] not butt together
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Before Servicing
Before starting to perform an inspection service or carry out a disassembly
and reassembly operation
on a motorcycle, read the precautions given below. To facilitate actual
operations, notes, illustrations,
photographs, cautions, and detailed descriptions have been included in each
chapter w ...
Intake Air Pressure Sensor #2 Output Voltage Inspection
Measure the output voltage at the intake air pressure sensor
#2 in the same way as input voltage inspection, note
the following.
Disconnect the intake air pressure sensor #2 connector
and connect the measuring adapter [A] between these
[B] Main Harness
[C] Intake Air Pressu ...