Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Self-Diagnosis System / Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator (Service Code 63) / Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Inspection


Be sure the battery is fully charged

Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Inspection

The pulley turns clockwise and then counterclockwise, and clockwise again.

If the pulley does not operate, check the exhaust butterfly valve actuator resistance (see Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Inspection Resistance Inspection).

Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Installation
Install the pulley [A] on the actuator so that the hole side [B] align with the groove [C] on the shaft. Make sure that the groove on the shaft is pointing toward the center of the screw [D]. ...

Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Resistance Inspection
Turn the ignition switch to OFF. Disconnect the exhaust butterfly valve actuator lead connector (2 pins connector) [A]. Set the hand tester to the × 1 Ω range and connect it to t ...

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