Over a period of time, the cooling system accumulates rust, scale, and lime in the water jacket and radiator. When this accumulation is suspected or observed, flush the cooling system. If this accumulation is not removed, it will clog up the water passage and considerable reduce the efficiency of the cooling system.
Do not use a flushing compound which is harmful to the aluminum engine and radiator. Carefully follow the instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the cleaning product.
Camshaft Runout Inspection
Remove the camshafts (see Camshaft Removal).
Set the camshaft in a camshaft alignment jig or on V
Measure the runout with a dial gauge at the specified
place as shown in the figure.
If the runout exceeds the service limit, replace the
Camshaft Runout
Standard: TIR ...
Clutch Operation Inspection
Pull the clutch lever just enough to take up the free play
Measure the gap between the lever and the lever holder.
If the gap is too wide, the clutch may not release fully. If
the gap is too narrow, the clutch may not engage fully. In
either case, adjust ...
Starter Clutch Assembly
Install the one-way clutch [A] to the driven gear.
Face the circlip side of the one-way clutch to inside.
Install the new snap ring [B] to the one-way clutch.
Install the drive gear [C] while turn it counterclockwise [D].
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the needle
bearing ...