Do not damage the hole wall of the water pump housing.
Connecting Rod Bend Inspection
Remove the connecting rod big end bearing inserts, and
reinstall the connecting rod big end cap.
Select an arbor [A] of the same diameter as the connecting
rod big end, and insert the arbor through the connecting
rod big end.
Select an arbor of the same diameter as the piston pin
and ...
Coolant Change
WARNINGCoolant can be extremely hot and cause
burns, is toxic and very slippery. Do not remove
the radiator cap or attempt to change the coolant
when the engine is hot; allow it cool completely.
Immediately wipe any spilled coolant from tires,
frame, engine or othe ...
Information for Coolant
To protect the cooling system (consisting
of the aluminum engine and
radiator) from rust and corrosion, the
use of corrosion and rust inhibitor
chemicals in the coolant is essential. If
coolant containing corrosion and rust
inhibitor chemicals are not used, over
a period of time, the cooling ...