Relay Box Removal
Remove the left fuel tank cover (see Fuel Tank Removal
in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Disconnect the connectors [A].
Pull out the relay box [B] from the rubber protector [C].
The relay box has relays and diodes. The relays and
diodes can not be removed.
Relay Box Installa ...
Moving Off
Check that the side stand is up.
Pull in the clutch lever.
Shift into 1st gear.
Open the throttle a little, and start to
let out the clutch lever very slowly.
As the clutch starts to engage, open
the throttle a littlemore, giving the engine
just enough fuel to keep it from
stallin ...
Front Fork Inspection
Holding the brake lever, pump the
front fork up and down several times
to inspect smooth stroke.
Visually inspect the front fork for oil
leakage, scoring or scratches on the
outer surface of the inner tube.
If any doubt about the front fork, it
should be checked by an authorized
K ...