Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Regulator/Rectifier Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Charging System / Regulator/Rectifier Inspection

Regulator/Rectifier Inspection

If the tester readings are not as specified, replace the regulator/rectifier.

Regulator/Rectifier Inspection


Use only Kawasaki Hand Tester 57001-1394 for this test. A tester other than the Kawasaki Hand Tester may show different readings.

If a megger or a meter with a large capacity battery is used, the regulator/rectifier will be damaged.

Regulator/Rectifier Resistance (Unit: kΩ)

(−)*: Tester (−) Lead Connection

Charging System Circuit

Charging System Circuit

1. Ignition Switch

2. Load

3. Regulator/Rectifier

4. Alternator

5. Frame Ground

6. Starter Relay

7. Main Fuse 30 A

8. Battery

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