If the forks do not smoothly or noise is found, inspect the fork oil level or fork clamps (see Front Fork Oil Change in the Suspension chapter).
If the shock absorber does not smoothly stroke or noise is found, inspect the oil leak (see Rear Shock Absorber Oil Leak Inspection).
Front Fork Oil Leak Inspection
Replace any defective parts, if necessary.
Rear Shock Absorber Oil Leak Inspection
If the oil leakage is found on it, replace the shock absorber with a new one.
Inner Tube Inspection
Visually inspect the inner tube [A].
If there is any damage, replace the inner tube. Since
damage to the inner tube damages the oil seal, replace
the oil seal whenever the inner tube is replaced.
If the inner tube is badly bent or creased, replace
it. Excessive bending, followed by ...
Battery Charging
Remove the battery from the motorcycle
(see Battery Removal).
Attach the leads from the charger
and charge the battery at a rate (amperage
x hours) that is indicated on
the battery. If it is not possible to read
the rate, charge the battery at an amperage
that is about 1/10th of the ...
Camshaft Installation
The exhaust camshaft has a 1001 EX mark [A] and the
intake camshaft has a 3154 IN mark [B]. Be careful not
to mix up these shafts.
Install the camshaft sprockets as shown in the figure.
#4 Cam Positions [A]
Intake Camshaft Sprocket [B]
Exhaust Camshaft Sprocket [C]
The int ...