Special Tool - Inside Circlip Pliers: 57001-143
Special Tool - Bearing Driver Set [B]: 57001-1129
Thermostat Installation
Replace the O-rings [A] with new ones, and apply grease
to them.
Thermostat Housing [B]
Thermostat [C]
Thermostat Cap [D]
Install the thermostat [A] in the housing so that the air
bleeder hole [B] is on top.
Torque - Thermostat Cap Bolts: 5.9 N ...
Wheel/Tire Damage Inspection
Remove any imbedded stones [A] or other foreign particles
[B] from tread.
Visually inspect the tire for cracks and cuts, and replace
the tire if necessary. Swelling or high spots indicate internal
damage, requiring tire replacement.
Visually inspect the wheel for cracks, cuts and dents ...
ESD (Electronic Steering Damper) ECU Removal (ZX1000JD/KD)
Never drop the ECU especially on a hard surface.
Such a shock to the ECU can damage it.
Lift up the front portion of the fuel tank, and hold it with a
suitable bar or block (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel
System (DFI) chapter).
When removing the ESD ECU only, there ...