Check the level when the engine is cold (room or ambient temperature).
Check the coolant level in the reserve tank [A] with the motorcycle held perpendicular (Do not use the sidestand).
If the coolant level is lower than the “L” level line [B], remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter), and then unscrew the reserve tank cap and add coolant to the “F” level line [C].
“L”: Low
“F”: Full
For refilling, add the specified mixture of coolant and soft water. Adding water alone dilutes the coolant and degrades its anticorrosion properties.
The diluted coolant can attack the aluminum engine parts. In an emergency, soft water alone can be added. But the diluted coolant must be returned to the correct mixture ratio within a few days.
If coolant must be added often or the reservoir tank has run completely dry, there is probably leakage in the cooling system. Check the system for leaks.
Coolant ruins painted surfaces. Immediately wash away any coolant that spills on the frame, engine, wheels or other painted parts.
Warning Indicator Light (LED)
Light (LED) Inspection
The warning indicator light (LED) [A] is used for the FI indicator,
immobilizer indicator (immobilizer equipped models),
water temperature warning indicator and oil pressure
warning indicator.
In this model, the warning indicator light (LED) (FI/immobilizer)
goes ...
General Information
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic mechanical photocopying,
recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of Quality Assurance Division/Motorcycle &
Engin ...
Cleaning Vehicle before Disassembly
Clean the vehicle thoroughly before disassembly. Dirt or
other foreign materials entering into sealed areas during vehicle
disassembly can cause excessive wear and decrease
performance of the vehicle.
Arrangement and Cleaning of Removed Parts
Disassembled parts are easy to confuse. Arrange ...