Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual: Chain Slack Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Owners Manual / Maintenance and adjustment / Drive Chain / Chain Slack Inspection

Chain Slack Inspection

A. Chain Slack

Drive Chain Slack

Drive Chain
The drive chain slack and lubrication must be checked each day before riding the motorcycle and must be maintained in accordance with the Periodic Maintenance Chart for safety and to prevent exce ...

Chain Slack Adjustment
Remove the cotter pin, and loosen the axle nut. Loosen the left and right chain adjuster locknuts. A. Axle Nut B. Cotter Pin C. Adjuster D. Locknut If the chain is too loose, tu ...

Other materials:

Meter Unit Removal/Installation
Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter) Remove the bolt [A] (other than US, CA and CALmodels). Slide back the dust cover and disconnect the meter unit connector [B]. Remove: Bolts [A] Nut [B] (other than US, CA and CAL mode ...

Valve Installation
NOTICE Do not lap the valve to the valve seat, using the grinding compound. It will come off oxide film treated surface of the valve. Replace the oil seal with a new one. Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide grease to the valve stem before valve installation. Install the springs so ...

The ECU takes the following measures to prevent engine damage when the DFI, ignition, S-KTRC or immobilizer system parts have troubles. Note: (1): D-J Method: When the engine load is light like at idling or low speed, the ECU determines the injection quantity by calculating fr ...