A. Chain Slack
Drive Chain Slack
Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Resistance Inspection
Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
Disconnect the exhaust butterfly valve actuator lead connector
(2 pins connector) [A].
Set the hand tester to the × 1 Ω range and connect it to
the exhaust butterfly valve actuator connector.
Special Tool - Hand Tester: 57001-1394
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Starter Motor Installation
Do not tap the starter motor shaft or body. Tapping
the shaft or body could damage the motor.
Clean the starter motor legs [A] and crankcase where the
starter motor is ground.
Replace the O-ring [A] with a new one.
Apply grease to the new O-ring.
Torque - Starter ...
Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)
Inspect the canister as follows.
Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing
Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter).
Remove the canister [A].
Visually inspect the canister for cracks or other damage.
If the canister has any cracks or bad damage, replace it
with a new one.
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