Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Camshaft Chain Tensioner

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Camshaft Chain Tensioner

Cylinder Head Cover Installation
Replace the cylinder head cover gasket [A] with a new one Using a high flash-point solvent, clean off any oil or dirt that may be on the silicone sealant coating area. Dry them with a clean ...

Camshaft Chain Tensioner Removal
NOTICE This is a non-return type camshaft chain tensioner. The push rod does not return to its original position once it moves out to take up camshaft chain slack. Observe all the rules listed ...

Other materials:

Front Fork Oil Change
Remove the front fork (see Front Fork Removal (Each Fork Leg)). Turn the spring preload adjuster fully counterclockwise for removing the piston rod assy easily. Hold the inner tube lower end in a vise. Using the wrench [A], unscrew the top plug [B] out of the outer tube. Special Too ...

Electronic Steering Damper Warning Indicator Light
The yellow light functions as the electronic steering damper warning indicator. The light and warning symbol "ESD" go on if there is a malfunction in the electronic steering damper system. However, this could also be caused by trouble with the charging system (e.g. battery). I ...

Front Fork Removal (Each Fork Leg)
Loosen the front fork top plug [A] beforehand if the fork leg is to be disassembled. Special Tool - Top Plug Wrench (45 mm) [B]: 57001-1741 NOTE Loosen the top plug after loosening the handlebar clamp bolt [C] and upper front fork clamp bolt [D]. Remove: Upper Fairing Assembly (see Up ...