1. Throttle Body Assy
2. Subthrottle Valve Actuator
3. Idle Speed Control Valve Actuator
4. Main Throttle Sensor
5. Subthrottle Sensor
6. Primary Fuel Injectors
7. Delivery Pipe Assy
Do not remove, disassemble or adjust the main throttle sensor, subthrottle sensor, subthrottle valve actuator, throttle link mechanism and throttle body assy, because they are adjust or set surely at the manufacturer. Adjustment of these parts could result in poor performance, requiring replacement of the throttle body assy.
Do not damage the insertion portions of the injectors when they are pulled out from the throttle body.
Never drop the primary fuel injector especially on a hard surface. Such a shock to the injector can damage it.
Brake Fluid Leak (Brake Hose and Pipe) Inspection
For KIBS equipped models, remove the fuel tank (see
Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
Apply the brake lever or pedal and inspect the brake fluid
leak from the brake hoses [A], pipes (KIBS equipped models)
[B] and fittings [C].
If the brake fluid leaked from any posit ...
Piston Ring Groove Width Inspection
Measure the piston ring groove width.
Use a vernier caliper at several points around the piston.
Piston Ring Groove Width
Top [A] 0.82 0.84 mm (0.0323
0.0331 in.)
Second [B] 0.82 0.84 mm
(0.0323 0.0331 in.)
Service Limit:
0.92 mm (0.036 in.)
Second 0.92 mm (0.036 in.)
Flap and Rear Fender Rear Removal
Front and Rear Seat (see Front/Rear Seat Removal)
Seat Covers (see Seat Cover Removal)
Vehicle-down Sensor Connector [A]
Screws [B]
Clear the seat lock cable [C] from the seat lock unit [D].
Take off the seat lock unit and the bracket.
Bolts [A] (Both Sides ...