Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Steering Damper Installation

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Steering / Steering Damper / Steering Damper Installation

Steering Damper Installation

Steering Damper Installation


In this photo, the fuel tank covers have been removed for clarity.

Fit the projection of the clamp to the hole in front of the electronic steering damper.

Steering Damper Installation

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Steering Damper Removal
ZX1000JC/KC Remove: Steering Damper Mounting Bolts (TORX Bolts) [A] Washer [B] Washer and Collar [C] Steering Damper [D] ZX1000JD/KD Remove: Clamp [A] Connector [B] (Discon ...

ESD (Electronic Steering Damper) ECU Removal (ZX1000JD/KD)
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