Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Starter Relay Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Electrical System / Electric Starter System / Starter Relay Inspection

Starter Relay Inspection

Starter Relay Inspection

Starter Relay Inspection

Testing Relay Tester Range: × 1 Ω range

When battery is connected → 0 Ω When battery is disconnected → ∞ Ω

Electric Starter Circuit

1. Ignition Switch

2. Engine Stop Switch

3. Starter Button

4. Gear Position Switch

5. Sidestand Switch

6. Joint Connector E

7. Joint Connector B

8. Battery

9. Main Fuse 30 A

10. Starter Relay

11. Starter Motor

12. Frame Grounds

13. Starter Circuit Relay

14. Relay Box

15. Starter Lockout Switch

16. Ignition Fuse 15 A

17. Fuse Box 1

18. Joint Connector F

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