Check that the engine oil level is between the upper [A] and lower [B] levels in the gauge.
Racing the engine before the oil reaches every part can cause engine seizure.
If the engine oil gets extremely low or if the oil pump or oil passages clog up or otherwise do not function properly, the warning indicator light (LED) and oil pressure warning symbol will light. If this light stays on when the engine is running above idle speed, stop the engine immediately and find the cause.
If the oil level is too high, remove the excess oil, using a syringe or some other suitable device.
If the oil level is too low, add the correct amount of oil through the oil filler opening. Use the same type and make of oil that is already in the engine.
If the engine oil type and make are unknown, use any brand of the specified oil to top off the level in preference to running the engine with the oil level low. Then at your earliest convenience, change the oil completely.
Stopping the Motorcycle in an Emergency
Your Kawasaki Motorcycle has been
designed and manufactured to provide
you optimum safety and convenience.
However, in order to fully benefit
from Kawasaki’s safety engineering
and craftsmanship, it is essential that
you, the owner and operator, properly
maintain your motorcycle and becom ...
Meter Unit Inspection
Remove the meter unit (see Meter Unit Removal).
[1] Battery (+)
[2] Fuel Reserve Switch
[3] Ground (–)
[4] Unused
[5] Right Turn Signal Indicator Light (LED) (+)
[6] Left Turn Signal Indicator Light (LED) (+)
[7] High Beam Indicator Light (LED) (+)
[8] Neutral Indicator Light (LED) (â ...
Stem, Stem Bearing Removal
Upper Fairing Assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly
Removal in the Frame chapter)
Front Fender (see Front Fender Removal in the Frame
Front Wheel (see Front Wheel Removal in the
Wheels/Tires chapter)
Steering Stem Head with Handlebars (see Handlebar
Fron ...