Water Temperature Sensor Inspection
Remove the water temperature sensor (see Water Temperature
Sensor Removal/Installation in the Fuel System
(DFI) chapter).
Suspend the sensor [A] in a container of coolant so that
the temperature-sensing projection [C] is submerged.
Suspend an accurate thermometer [B] with temperature
Terminal Numbers of ECU Connectors
1. Subthrottle Valve Actuator: Y/BK
2. Subthrottle Valve Actuator: BK/O
3. Unused
4. Front Wheel Rotation Sensor Signal: G/Y
5. Unused
6. Starter Lockout Switch: R/G
7. Gear Position Switch: G/R
8. Crankshaft Sensor (–): BK
9. Power Supply to Sensors: BL
10. Unused
11. Intake Air Pre ...
Fuel Tank and Cap Inspection
Visually inspect the gasket [A] on the tank cap for any
Replace the gasket if it is damaged.
Check to see if the water drain pipe [B] and fuel breather
pipe [C] in the tank are not clogged. Check the tank cap
breather also.
If they are clogged, remove the tank and drain it ...