Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Exhaust Pipe Removal

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Engine Top End / Muffler / Exhaust Pipe Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Exhaust Pipe Removal

Premuffler Chamber Installation
Replace the premuffler chamber gasket [A] with a new one. Install the premuffler chamber gasket to the premuffler chamber [B] until it is bottomed so that the chamfer side faces exhaust pip ...

Exhaust Pipe Installation
Replace the exhaust pipe gaskets [A] and premuffler chamber gasket [B] with new ones. Install the premuffler chamber gasket to the premuffler chamber [C] until it is bottomed so that the cham ...

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Exhaust Pipe Installation
Replace the exhaust pipe gaskets [A] and premuffler chamber gasket [B] with new ones. Install the premuffler chamber gasket to the premuffler chamber [C] until it is bottomed so that the chamfer side faces exhaust pipe [D]. Install the exhaust pipe clamp [E] as shown in the figure. I ...

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