41.7° ±7° [B]
This position is original position of the pulley.
Correct the position electrically after confirming the use is discontinued and there is no damage when differing from the angle of shown in the figure.
Do not correct the pulley position with the tool, forcibly. The actuator damage will occur.
If the angle is wrong, adjust the pulley (see Exhaust Butterfly Valve Actuator Installation in the Self-Diagnosis System chapter).
Open Cable (White) [A] Close Cable (Black) [B]
First, install the close cable (black) [A].
Second, install the open cable (white) [B].
Third, install the clamp [C].
Fourth, stretch the open cable (white) by using the adjuster [D].
Turn the adjuster counterclockwise until the play of the open cable becomes no play.
To keep the correct exhaust butterfly valve position, be sure to adjust the open cable first. Do not overstretch the cable.
Fifth, tighten the adjuster locknut (white) of the open cable securely.
Sixth, stretch the close cable (black) by using the adjuster [E].
Turn the adjuster counterclockwise until the play of the close cable becomes no play.
Seventh, turn the adjuster of the close cable (black) clockwise by 1/2 to 1 rotation.
Lastly, tighten the adjuster locknut (black) of the close cable securely.
ABS and KIBS Indicator Lights (LED) Inspection
In this model, the ABS indicator light (LED) [A] and KIBS
indicator light (LED) [B] go on or blink by the data sent
from the KIBS hydraulic unit.
Refer to the Meter Unit Inspection in the Electrical System
ABS and KIBS Indicator Lights (LED) Function
*: The mode of “Low ...
Diode Circuit Inspection
Remove the relay box (see Relay Box Removal).
Check conductivity of the following pairs of terminals (see
Relay Box Internal Circuit in this section).
Diode Circuit Inspection
The resistance should be low in one direction and more
than 10 times as much in the other direction. If any dio ...
Fuses are arranged in the fuse boxes
located under the passenger’s seat and
in the left fairing. The main fuse is
located under the passenger’s seat.
If a fuse fails during operation, inspect
the electrical system to determine
the cause, and then replace it with
a new fuse of proper amp ...