Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Periodic Maintenance / Periodic Maintenance Procedures / Fuel System (DFI) / Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)

Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter).

Remove the canister [A].

Visually inspect the canister for cracks or other damage.

If the canister has any cracks or bad damage, replace it with a new one.

Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)


The canister is designed to work well through themotorcycle’s life without any maintenance if it is used under normal conditions.

Remove the upper fairing assembly (see Upper Fairing Assembly Removal in the Frame chapter).

Disconnect the hoses from the separator [A].

Visually inspect the separator for cracks and other damage.

If the separator has any cracks or damage, replace it with a new one.

To prevent the gasoline from flowing into or out of the canister, hold the separator perpendicular to the ground.

Evaporative Emission Control System Inspection (CAL and SEA-B1 Models)

Check that the hoses are securely connected and clips are in position.

Replace any kinked, deteriorated or damaged hoses.

Run the hoses according to Cable, Wire, and Hose Routing section in the Appendix chapter.

When installing the hoses, avoid sharp bending, kinking, flattening or twisting, and run the hoses with a minimum of bending so that the emission flow will not be obstructed.

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