Replace it if necessary.
Lap Counter/Coolant/Intake Air Temperature Meter
This meter shows the coolant temperature,
the intake air temperature or
the lap number. The lap number is displayed
in the stop watch mode, refer to
the “Stop Watch” item in this section.
A. Lap Counter/Coolant / Intake Air
Temperature Meter
The coolant temperature meter and
inta ...
Nozzle Assy Installation
Replace the dust seals [A] with new ones.
Apply engine oil to the new dust seals, and install them.
Install the nozzle assy securely.
Push the four mounting positions of the injectors.
Set the joint pipe parallel to the air cleaner housing [B].
When installing the nozzle assy, ap ...
Lighting System
This motorcycle adopt the daylight system and have a
headlight relay in the relay box. The headlight does not
go on when the ignition switch and the engine stop switch
are first turned on. The headlight comes on after the starter
button is released and stays on until the ignition switch is
turn ...