Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Crankshaft/Transmission / Crankshaft and Connecting Rods / Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection


Split the crankcase again, measure each clearance between the bearing insert and journal [B] using plastigage (press gauge).

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Clearance

Standard: 0.010 0.034 mm
(0.0004 0.0013 in.)

Service Limit: 0.06 mm (0.0024 in.)

If the clearance is within the standard, no bearing replacement is required.

If the clearance is between 0.035 mm (0.0014 in.) and the service limit (0.06 mm, 0.0024 in.), replace the bearing inserts [A] with inserts painted blue [B]. Check insert/journal clearance with the plastigage. The clearancemay exceed the standard slightly, but it must not be less than the minimum in order to avoid bearing seizure.

If the clearance exceeds the service limit, measure the diameter of the crankshaft main journal.

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter

Standard: 34.984 35.000 mm
(1.3773 1.3780 in.)

Service Limit: 34.96 mm (1.3764 in.)

If any journal has worn past the service limit, replace the crankshaft with a new one.

If themeasured journal diameters [C] are not less than the service limit, but do not coincide with the original diameter markings [D] on the crankshaft, make new marks on it.

Crankshaft Main Journal Diameter Marks

None 34.984 34.992 mm (1.3773
1.3776 in.)

1 34.993 35.000 mm (1.3777
1.3780 in.)

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

: Crankshaft Main Journal
Diameter Marks (“1” or No Mark)

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection


The mark already on the upper crankcase half should almost coincide with the measurement.

Crankcase Main Bearing Inside Diameter Marks

38.000 38.008 mm (1.4961
1.4964 in.)

None 38.009 38.016 mm (1.4964
1.4967 in.)

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

Crankshaft Main Bearing Insert/Journal Wear Inspection

*: The bearing inserts for Nos. 2 and 4 journals have an oil groove, respectively.

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