If whitish cotton-like wafts are observed, aluminum parts in the cooling system are corroded. If the coolant is brown, iron or steel parts are rusting. In either case, flush the cooling system.
If the coolant gives off an abnormal smell, check for a cooling system leak. It may be caused by exhaust gas leaking into the cooling system.
Coolant Level Inspection
Refer to the Coolant Level Inspection in the PeriodicMaintenance chapter.
Coolant Draining
Refer to the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Coolant Filling
Refer to the Coolant Change in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
CAN Communication Line
CAN Communication Line
Resistance Inspection
In this model, resistors for CAN communication line are
built in the ECU [A] and meter unit.
Refer to the Meter Unit Inspection in the Electrical System
chapter for the resistor in the meter unit.
Turn the ignition switch to OFF.
EC ...
Check 2-1: Speedometer Inspection
Using the suitable stand, raise the rear wheel off the
Rotate the rear wheel by hand or start the engine.
Check that the display changes speedometer.
If the display function does not work, check the following
Rear Wheel Rotation Sensor (see Wheel Rotation Sensor
Inspe ...
Balancer Assemble
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the ribs of the
balancer [A].
Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution to the ribs of the
balancer gear [A].
Check that the rubber dampers [B] are in place.
Face the linked portion [C] to the bottom.
Assemble the balancer weight ...