Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual: Brake Line Bleeding

Kawasaki Ninja Service Manual / Brakes / Brake Fluid / Brake Line Bleeding

The brake fluid has a very low compression coefficient so that almost all the movement of the brake lever or pedal is transmitted directly to the caliper for braking action. Air, however, is easily compressed. When air enters the brake lines, brake lever or pedal movement will be partially used in compressing the air. This will make the lever or pedal feel spongy, and there will be a loss in braking power.


Air in the brake lines diminish braking performance and can cause an accident resulting in injury or death. If the brake lever or pedal has a soft or "spongy" feeling mushy when it is applied, there might be air in the brake lines or the brake may be defective. Do not operate the vehicle and service the brake system immediately.


The procedure to bleed the front brake line is as follows.

Bleeding the rear brake line is the same as for the front brake.

Brake Line Bleeding

Brake Line Bleeding

Repeat this operation until no more air can be seen coming out into the plastic hose.

1. Pump the brake lever until it becomes hard, and apply the brake and hold it [A].

2. Quickly open and close [B] the bleed valve while holding the brake applied.

3. Release the brake [C].

Brake Line Bleeding


The fluid level must be checked often during the bleeding operation and replenished with fresh brake fluid as necessary. If the fluid in the reservoir runs completely out any time during bleeding, the bleeding operation must be done over again from the beginning since air will have entered the line.

Brake Line Bleeding

Repeat this operation until no more air can be seen coming out into the plastic hose.

1. Pump the brake lever until it becomes hard, and apply the brake and hold it [A].

2. Quickly open and close [B] the bleed valve while holding the brake applied.

3. Release the brake [C].

Brake Line Bleeding


First, tighten the brake fluid reservoir cap [B] clockwise [C] by hand until slight resistance is felt indicating that the cap is seated on the reservoir body, then tighten the cap an additional 1/6 turn [D] while holding the brake fluid reservoir body [A].

Brake Line Bleeding


When working with the disc brake, observe the precautions listed below.

  • Never reuse old brake fluid.
  • Do not use fluid from a container that has been left unsealed or that has been open for a long time.
  • Do not mix two types and brands of fluid for use in the brake. This lowers the brake fluid boiling point and could cause the brake to be ineffective.

    It may also cause the rubber brake parts to deteriorate.

  • Don’t leave the reservoir cap off for any length of time to avoid moisture contamination of the fluid.
  • Don’t change the fluid in the rain or when a strong wind is blowing.
  • Except for the disc pads and disc, use only disc brake fluid, isopropyl alcohol, or ethyl alcohol for cleaning of the brake parts. Do not use any other fluid for cleaning these parts. Gasoline, engine oil, or any other petroleum distillate will cause deterioration of the rubber parts. Oil spilled on any partwill be difficult towash off completely and will eventually deteriorate the rubber used in the disc brake.
  • When handling the disc pads or disc, be careful that no disc brake fluid or any oil gets on them.

    Clean off any fluid or oil that inadvertently gets on the pads or disc with a high flash-point solvent.

    Do not use one which will leave an oily residue.

    Replace the pads with new ones if they cannot be cleaned satisfactorily.

  • Brake fluid quickly ruins painted surfaces; any spilled fluid should be completely wiped up immediately.
  • If any of the brake line fittings or the bleed valve is opened at any time, the AIRMUST BE BLED FROM THE BRAKE LINE.
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