Refer to the Brake Fluid Level Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Brake Fluid Change
Refer to the Brake Fluid Change in the Periodic Maintenance chapter.
Shift Fork Guide Pin/Drum Groove Wear Inspection
Measure the diameter of each shift fork guide pin [A], and
measure the width [B] of each shift drum groove.
If the guide pin on any shift fork is less than the service
limit, the fork must be replaced.
Shift Fork Guide Pin Diameter
Standard: 6.9 7.0 mm (0.272
0.276 in.)
Service Limit: ...
Piston Ring Thickness Inspection
Measure the piston ring thickness.
Use the micrometer to measure at several points around
the ring.
Piston Ring Thickness
Top [A] 0.77 0.79 mm (0.0303
0.0311 in.)
Second [B] 0.78 0.79 mm
(0.0307 0.0311 in.)
Service Limit:
Top 0.70 mm (0.0276 in.)
Second 0.71 mm (0.0280 ...
Gear Position Indicator
The gear position indicator shows the
corresponding gear positions where
the transmission is shifted.
For example, when the transmission
is in 6th gear, “6” is displayed.
A. Gear Position Indicator (Normal mode)
If the gear position is in the neutral
position, the gear positio ...